Each year it is estimated that 52,000 workers suffered from a work related illness in the transport industry. With the very recent announcement on the 1st of October from the HSE that they will begin to inspect construction firms over how they protect their workers' lungs from respiratory risks. Although we don't know yet, we predict that similar inspections will take place in the transport industry with many vehicles still using old diesel engines.
It is common knowledge that roads are a dangerous place and those in roles that require a lot of driving will know this better than most. There exists a lot of legislation around road transport and at Crown Professional Safety Management it is our intention to help in the area of compliance with the Health and Safety at Work Act (HSAW) of 1974.
Employer’s liability insurance is particularly affected by the compensation culture epitomised by the “ambulance chasing” advertising that seems to appear everywhere these days. Furthermore fines from the Health and Safety Executive are not covered by insurance as they are excluded by non conformance with current government legislation clauses.
At CPSM we specialise in making sure you comply with the HSAW Act and protect your assets. We will work with your drivers and supervisors to reduce the potential for accidents to occur. We do not sit on the fence like many arms-length consultants and will argue your case whatever the situation.

How We Will Help
Safe Systems of Work (SSOW)
Risk assessments
Safety audits
Safety inspections
Training programs
Regular action plans
Accident Investigation
Working From Heights